Judges’ comments from NZ Booklovers: Grow: Wāhine finding connection through food by Sophie Merkens
‘Sophie Merkens takes the reader on a journey across Aotearoa, meeting inspiring women who find meaning through food in this glorious hardback book, with stunning matt photography. A book that will resonate with many people, and it showcases many extraordinary women who grow, nourish and connect as part of their lives. Merkens has done a superb job capturing their individual stories, and the photography is beautiful. Grow is a book to treasure and will inspire future generations of wāhine in their endeavours.’
“Ultimately, Grow is a book with a seemingly modest premise – how do these women find meaning and connection through food – that quietly and thoughtfully ends up addressing big issues with simple but insightful stories and ideas and a refreshing dose of honesty. So, I sincerely hope it is read and thought and talked about and, perhaps, some of the ideas inspire others or simply give its readers a reason to feel better about the world. It is indeed a beautiful book - one that should not be left to gather dust on a bookshelf or coffee table.”
“Perhaps this is the book to inspire you to begin your own journey of uplifting the wonderful women in your own community.”
“It’s not a recipe book and it’s not a gardening book. It’s a book about connection with food, with our sense of place, and with ourselves.”
“Grow does what the best books often do: provides us with new ways of looking at and appreciating something familiar.”